A baby brother or baby sister for Big Brother Hunter?!?!? In just a few short weeks we will know! If you ask Hunter, it is already determined....and it better be a BOY! In fact, when I showed him these two outfits, he cried when he saw the 'sister' one and said "I don't WANT a sister", then an hour later, I found him trying to hide the little socks!
Of course, Brian and I are totally excited to welcome either one! However, we are Johnson's so I have a sneaking suspicion Hunter will get his wish!!! We will update everyone as soon as the little bundle arrives....and hopefully by then it will have a name!!!
Of course, Brian and I are totally excited to welcome either one! However, we are Johnson's so I have a sneaking suspicion Hunter will get his wish!!! We will update everyone as soon as the little bundle arrives....and hopefully by then it will have a name!!!
Miss You guys so much...can't wait to hear the news and hopefully meet the little one sometime this summer! Love you all very much!
So excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet him/her!
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