Wednesday, December 30, 2009

~~~A picture I'm proud of~~~

I took this of Hunter and my niece, Ellie, a few weeks ago. We blew it up and gave it to my parents for Christmas. Not only to I think it's precious, but I did it ALL by myself. It's not easy trying to get a 2 yr old and 6 yr old to sit still, and much less to get a decent photo...with no other guidence. Well, there were two other 'adults' present. If you count their fathers, but they were worse than the children.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Hunter is such a BOY!! I wouldn't even touch these fish. Hunter, on the other hand, thought it was AWESOME when his daddy brought home these Trout!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The newest addition to the Johnson Family!!!!

That's right!!! You guessed it; we bought another house!;!! I'm totally eating my words of saying I would NEVER EVER remodel a house again. However, we've had our eye on this house for a few months. It was a forclosure, and we fell in love with it. We made an offer and they rejected it. We waited it out, and it went to auction. So, Brian and I packed up, hit a golf course on the way, and attended the MOST exhausting event (aside from 31 hrs of labor) of my LIFETIME!!! If you EVER have the chance, you should definitly attend one of the Real Estate Auctions. It's quite the production. We got there at 4:30 p.m. and didn't leave till 11:30 p.m. BUT, we left with a house, so that's all that matters!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fun with Dallas Cousins!!!

notice the two boys on the they look ornery or what???

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome to the life of a 2 year old...

and yes, that is a 20 lb. bag of dogfood on my kitchen floor.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A few moments ago, I heard some commotion coming from my bedroom, only to find this. His daddy will be so proud when he comes home!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Now this is a funny story....

and pretty gross at the same time; so, I'm warning you. The other night after Hunter's bath, I let him run around naked for a few minutes, because he had a little bit of a diaper rash...nothing a few minutes of fresh air couldn't fix. He was sitting all cute under our pub table and it appeared as if he was posing, so I got the camera out and took a few pictures. He came up to me a few minutes later, only to find out he was NOT posing:

notice the concentration on his face

This was taken after I realized he wasn't posing at all, he was pooping underneath the table. Ahhh....boys!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I think I'm pretty well caught up, now. Tonight I added 8 new posts. I'm going to try to be better at this! So, make sure you see them all!!

Hunter's newest discovery....

For those of you who don't know this, Hunter is 100% BOY. If he's not climbing onto something, he's figuring out what, in our house, can give him the biggest thrill. Anyway, today he realized he could scoot the Rubbermaid tub on the tile/hardwood, jump in it and slide! Well, when Brian saw this, he put a pillow in the tub, let Hunter lay down, and would push him across the length of the living room as fast as he could. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?

Keeping him entertained on the way to Springfield...

Once again, in Nonni's glasses! We were on our way to see GG, my 90 year old grandma, which almost brought tears to my eyes to see just how sweet Hunter was with her. We had dinner at Aunt Ju-wah's! (A.K.A. Aunt Judy) Plus, we got to see my cousin and her family! We had a great time and ate great food, thanks to Ju-wah!!

Mommy's hat

So, here is Hunter in one of my hats...he LOVES to wear it!! At least it's Camo and 'Browning'...what more do you what boys?!?

And this would what Hunter likes to do with Cash's new collar...

Wearing Nonni's glasses!


Once again the pictures are out of order, sorry. I just LOVE MY BOYS!!!

Kissed for Daddy!! How cute are they??


The result of the haircut...not too bad, Brian!

The whole time he was saying 'Haircut, haircut, haircut, haircut....' Now, he gets the razor, without the blad of course, and takes it to his stuffed animals and says 'haircut'. Why do I feel like he'll be giving himself a 'haircut' someday....

Playing in the water and Nonni and Poppy's

These are in reverse order, but the other night, while at Nonni and Poppy's, Hunter and Ellie got ahold of the hose. It was pretty cute, and Hunter was SOAKED. They both had so much fun!!

Stealing candy out of 'Nonni's pretties' (he's not suppose to touch them) Does he look ornery or what?

Ellie had a clip in her hair, and Hunter needed one, too!

Ellie's losing all her teeth!! She's getting so BIG!

Ellie picking on her little cousin!!

Easter at Nana (Nonni) and Poppy's

Here are some Easter pics...alittle late, sorry. Just haven't had much time to sit around and blog. When Hunter first started talking, he always referred to my mom as Nana...just as my niece does; however, one day, a few months ago, he started calling her Nonni! We don't know where he came up with it or why, he just did. So, now my mom has two names....Nana and's not confusing at all!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cardinals Game!!

We had a ton of fun celebrating Annie's 26th birthday at the Springfield Cardinals Game!! My brothers were also able to meet up with us....we had an awesome time!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Morning, Cash!!!

Hunter thought Cash might want alittle chicken broth for breakfast....who could say 'no' to this sweet face?!?!?