We have to lock the bathroom door, b/c Hunter thinks it's great to play in the toilet....sick, I know. So, the other day he found a key somewhere and went over to the bathroom door, put the key up to the handle and was 'trying' to unlock it!! It's amazing how smart they really are.
The little caterpillar! He and Brian were playing in the pillows! It was hilarious! Hunter thought it was GREAT!
Clinging to me while I was cooking dinner tonight! Poor little guy doesn't feel well at all!
This weekend we took a long weekend and headed down to Dallas to visit Brian's sister and family. We had a great time, and Hunter was awesome. He'd had some sniffles and a cough, and I thought it must be allergies; but, when we got back to MO it was much worse...so today, being the overly paranoid first-time mother that I am, I took him to the DR. I guess the motherly instinct was right, b/c he has a double ear-infection. He's been running a pretty high temp and been so pitiful...so Brian and I pretty much let him do whatever he wanted tonight...within reason! We got some cute pictures....